LMEC-1 Young's Modulus Apparatus – Hall Sensor Method
LMEC-2 Young's Modulus Apparatus – Resonance Method
LMEC-2A Young's Modulus Apparatus
LMEC-3 Yooj Yim Pendulum nrog Hluav Taws Xob Timer
LMEC-4 Apparatus ntawm Shear Modulus thiab Rotational Moment of Inertia
LMEC-5 Rotational Moment of Inertia Apparatus
LMEC-6 Simple Harmonic Motion thiab Spring Constant (Hooke's Law)
LMEC-7 Pohl's Pendulum
LMEC-8 Apparatus of Forced Vibration thiab Resonance
LMEC-9 Apparatus of Collision and Projectile Motion
LMEC-10 Apparatus of Measuring Liquid Surface Tension Coefficient
LMEC-11 Ntsuas Liquid Viscosity – Poob Sphere Method
LMEC-12 Ntsuas Liquid Viscosity - Txoj Kev Capillary
LMEC-13 Kev sim ua tiav ntawm Kev Hloov Cov Kua Dej
LMEC-14 Apparatus ntawm Sib Nqus Damping thiab Kinetic Friction Coefficient
LMEC-15 Interference, Diffraction thiab Velocity Measurement of Sound Wave
LMEC-15A Velocity of Sound Apparatus
LMEC-15B Suab nrawm Apparatus (Resonance Tube)
LMEC-16 Apparatus ntawm Suab nrawm ntsuas thiab Ultrasonic Ranging
LMEC-17 Uphill Roller Experiment (Kev txuag hluav taws xob)
LMEC-18/18A Dawb lub caij nplooj zeeg Apparatus
LMEC-19 Doppler Effect Experiment
LMEC-20 Inertial Mass Balance
LMEC-21 Vibrating String Experiment (txoj hlua suab ntsuas)